
Rajendra Pariayar provide financial assistance to the kidney patient

Anup Chhetri, a 28-year-old kidney patient of Tanah’s Byas 12 Chhirkan has been assisted financially by media person Rajendra Pariyar of Damauli. On Sunday, Pariyar met Chhetri at his home and provided him Rs 5,000 financial assistance. Handing over the assistance, Pariyar expressed confidence that some relief would be provided for the treatment of the kidney patients. He said
“Our little help can save someone’s life, so I helped. The financial situation of his family is very poor. We all need to help help as much as possible.”


Chhetri thanked Pariyar for coming to his house and helping him. He said, “The doctor has said that a kidney transplant should be done in the month of Baishakh. As the condition of the house is weak, I have appealed for help from everyone. I am expecting help from you.” “Currently, he is undergoing dialysis at the Western Regional Hospital in Pokhara at a cost of Rs 40,000 eight times a month.

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