Dark Side Of NGO
Since the 1980s, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have expanded throughout the world, opening up an important political, cultural and socio-economic space in almost every corner of the globe. Do we need non-profit…
Rape Culture
The term ‘culture of rape’ was popularized by feminist writers and activists in the United States during the 1970s. It first appeared in print in the book ‘Rape: the first reference book…
Why Is There Not A Hindu Nation?
Just before we abolished centuries-old Hindu monarchy and established the republican nation, Nepal used to be the only constitutionally declared Hindu nation in the world. Maoists and their shadow Democrats declared Nepal…
The Coronavirus Or The Virus Of Corruption
Coronavirus is really a serious thing, and its threat should not be minimized. But it seems to me that the level of panic in the world does not correspond to the real…
पछि परेको विकासलाई गतिशिल बनाउँछु :- के.स. भण्डारी
दमौली खबर संवाददाता दमौली ,२५ असोज । नेपाली काँग्रेसका केन्द्रीय सदस्य तथा गठबन्धनको तर्फबाट तनहुँ क्षेत्र नम्बर २ बाट प्रतिनिधी सभा सदस्यका उम्मेदवार शङकर भण्डारीले तनहुँको क्षेत्र नम्बर २ विकासम पछि परेको …
Shikhar Khanal With the sound of a gun, a woman saw a man fall. As the voice became airborne, I saw it scattering. Even within the blind figure here, death saw the…
How getting out of your comfort Zone is the key to success. By- Grishma Karki
By- Grishma Karki One of the most challenging things is to leave your comfort zone but you have to let go of the life you’re familiar with and take the risk to…
अनलाईन कक्षा नसके भौतिक रुपमै पठनपाठन
दमौली खबर सम्वंददाताभदौ ०९,दमौली । जिल्लाको व्यास नगरपालिकाले अनलाईन कक्षा सञ्चालन हुन नसकेमा भौतिक रुपमै पठनपाठन सुचारु गर्ने तयारी गरेको छ । मंगलबार बसेको नगर कार्यपालिका बैठकले एउटा कक्षमा २५ जनासम्म रहने गरी…
बाघ दिवस : संरक्षणमा उत्साहजनक उपलब्धि, मानव–बाघ द्वन्द्व भने भयावह
हरेक वर्ष जुलाई २९ तारिख अर्थात् आजका दिन विश्व बाघ दिवस मनाइन्छ । यस वर्ष ‘बाघको अस्तित्व स् मानवको दायित्व’ भन्ने मूल सङ्कल्पका साथ नेपालसँगै विश्वभर यो दिवस मनाइँदै छ । नेपालमा…
Rajendra Pariayar provide financial assistance to the kidney patient
Damauli Anup Chhetri, a 28-year-old kidney patient of Tanah’s Byas 12 Chhirkan has been assisted financially by media person Rajendra Pariyar of Damauli. On Sunday, Pariyar met Chhetri at his home and…