Home/Damauli Khabar Staff Information Damauli Khabar Staff Information Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name Of the staff ( कर्मचारी को नाम) * Staff Phone Number ( कर्मचारी को फोन नम्बर ) *Email (कर्मचारी को इमेल)Blood Group of staff ( कर्मचारी को रगत समूह )A+A+A-B+B-AB+AB-O+O- Address (ठेगाना ) * Name of the Village or City with street and house number (सडक र घर नम्बरको साथ गाउँ वा शहर को नाम)citizenship number ( नागरिकता नम्बर)Ward No (वार्ड नं ) *Na Pa/ Ga Pa ( न. पा / गा. पा ) *District (जिल्ला ) *State (प्रदेश ) *Province No. 1Province No. 2Bagmati ProvinceGandaki ProvinceLumbini ProvinceKarnali ProvinceSudurpashchim ProvinceName of parents( अभिभावकको नाम) *Emergency contact person Name ( आपतकालिन सम्पर्क व्यक्तिको नाम) *Do you agree that the information you have provided above is correct? *Yes,I certify that the information submitted in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledgeCommentSubmit Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Reddit Messenger Messenger WhatsApp Viber Share via Email Print